Wednesday, June 21, 2006
havent been doing much these 2 days after the chalet.. can't find the motivation at ALL to do anything..
chalet was great:) reached there on sat afternoon apparently cos mum couldn't go on fri, so we decided to go down on sat instead. so sis and i reached pasir ris at bt 2pm, and we were supposedly late, cos my cuz reached when we just left our hse. hah. but crappy him, after a day of guard duty at camp, waited for us at the wrong station and insisted it was the correct one. so sis n i really thought there was some bermuda triangle or sth.. hah. so yup, we left the station, and happily boarded the wrong bus.. so we stopped halfway and took a cab. nonsense pple. the blind following the blind. hah.. finally reached the place at bt 2.40.. and slacked a while, played winning elven on daryl's xbox.. and then went cycling from 4-6.. caught up quite abit, at least heard bt daryl's ongoing stuff and problems with his friends and the girl he likes. hah. it's always nice to catch up with them, always, nv fail to engage ourselves in loads and loads of fun and laughter.. hah..
yup then went back at 6, and started the bbq while waiting for the adults to join us. barely ate anything, i think tt's what bbq is all about.. u just keep bbq-ing for others and at the end of the day, prob. eat one or two chicken wings and 2 sausages. hah...
went back in at bt 12 to watch tv. then out again to join the adults in their catching up session. hah.. and all of us went back in at bt.. 3 plus to catch the italy game, before squeezing in the small room to get some sleep.
next morning woke up at bt 9 plus, had breakfast and was supposed to go back cos my family had dinner at my aunt's house at night, so mum wanted to go back and get some things done before gg off to her house. but after much persuasion, she decided tostay for awhile more, so we, meaning the usual 6 of us, went escape. had a whole load of fun there, though the rides weren't exactly very good. but we entertained ourselves v well with non-stop screaming. hah.. oh and we went go-karting.. not too bad, a lil scary initially but after a while i got used to it and drove on:) my first step towards the real driving during my sem break. hah:) so we went back v wet after 4 rides of wet n wild. hah.. tok a bath and went off to my aunt's hse.. where we had some really good food.. yummy:>
2 days of fun, then back home to do work.. but crap.. i really ain't moving the way i want to.. been slacking these 2 days.. better get some work done today.. and sat will be meeting up with julie germ and my partner hopefully:) havent seen them in ages..
it's freezing as usual in the sch lib.. off to get some work done before gg home and listening to my sis's report of her 3rd day at work. honestly, i've always wanted and yearned for her to start work at the company, but when it really starts, all we talk about at home is just work work work and more work.. and im really not used to it.. havent been on gd talking terms with my mum these 2 days, since sis started work.. and stupid me even asked her if she ever thought or asked if we wanted to take over my dad's business.. crap.. like how could i ever say such a thing.. she told me i always had a choice, but how could i see her slog and hold the business there for us for 3 years and then tell her i dun wish to take over the business.. it's really stressful. sis only went to work for 2 days and she has been so stressed.. never saw her like tt, not even during her exams.. i think. when there's a load there for u to carry, it really pulls your shoulders down.. crap. i really dun wana grow up. not at all. i wish employees could be less demanding.
off to do research again.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
went for a jog this morning, to henry park, past it and to pine grove. going past henry park always reminds me of ms teh. it's weird, but both schools i've been to so far has a 'her' whom i'll always remember, and it's not any of my peers tt's the funny thing. of cos, the later one can never replace the ms teh. hah. but it's the many silly things i did that reminds me of the later one..
havent seen her in a year, no contact at all. fades.but i've been keeping in touch with ms teh these years. 6 years on and we're still in touch. i think tt's really nice. she has watched me grow, and i've seen her become a mom of a cute lil boy. and it really reminds me tt time truly flies. i realised how many things we have in common over these years:) will be hoping to go back the next sem break:>
it has always been, and will always been my dream, for the four of us to be together. it's silly to think so far ahead, but i've made plans. as much as i know plans will change with time, i'm determined to keep things the way i want them to be.
after i return from uk, if i really do go, i'll have to go into the company. and the headaches will come along. but well, he had the bulk of it, and went thru so much, what's this bit compared to all that. will hope for my mom to take the back seat, to come in and check things out once n awhile, and my sis and i will bring the company forward. dreams. it's still a dream. but having a dream gives me a direction at least. so i know where im heading for, and how to move towards it. for that, im really thankful to him. if it hadn't gone the way it did, i wouldn't know where to look to now. why do i have so many dreams? hah. but then again, how many of them are truly mine.
went for a talk on psychology last sat. was so tired tt i could barely keep myself awake.. the biggest reward was that i finally got to see their program manager, ivy, after so many emails and the miss at the education fair the last time. she's really nice. PATH education group. my recommendation:) no wait im speaking for ivy only. havent got any idea bt their courses and students. hah.
off for a chalet on fri..looking forward again, though i know there'll definitely be sth stopping me from gg all out to enjoy myself. bccause she is the way she is, i've to head this way. anyway, looking forward to the overnite cycling. and catching the world cup games together with my whole big family. great:>
i found this in my sis's cam.

feels so peaceful just looking at it.
reminds me again of grand canyon. that feeling was splendid. like u're really at the top of the world where everything becomes so small. and the great wall! which i never got to complete. hah.. lousy sis refused to go up with me, but excused her still cos she has asthma. hah. and my dad and mom who preferred to have time for themselves somewhere along the middle of the great wall. hah.. i climbed and climbed non stop, and the steps were so uneven and small i thought i was gonna roll back. hah.. it got really warm nearing the end and i started removing the layers of clothes. hah.. and i was so happy i could see the end at last. but i forgot, for what reason i had to come down quickly. hah.. nonsense.. then i went for coffee with my dad while my mom and sis sat in the coach, and the shop owner there said i look totally like a mole of my dad. hah.. how many times i've heard these.. and each time dad and i will just
turn to each other and grin. hah.. :> it happened again when i met my sis's friend's father at the airport two weeks ago. he said i look so much like my dad. hah.. will put up a pic next time, one pic we took at the foot of the great wall.. and tt was about 4 years back:)
pics from the xiamen trip:)
I wasn't supposed to take photos in the gallery, but i couldn't resist when i saw such a cool piano. hah.. notice the keys? they are an opposite of what we have now. hah.
There. my sis and i. hah. we are totally opposites.. hah. i really appreciate the times when we're together happily. :)
My mom! i love her so much. she's been thru it all, and come out of it so strong. and she's been holding this company for us. waiting for us to take over. finally the day has come for her, with my sis going to work at the office tomorrow for the first time. give me 4-5 more yrs. this is the company we visited.
it's really cool how they actually have their own port, which allows them to save so much money on transporting and time wastage. we couldn't help but wonder why we weren't born in a bigger country. hah. singapore's too small to allow such things, companies having their own ports. we'll have so many ports tt all the beaches will become ports and everywhere u go it's gonna be a port. hah.
and this is their workshop. huge. hah. but they are really efficient. it took just 3 months for their manager to implement a system so effective that we wanted to bring it to singapore. hah.
ending off with a shot i just found in the cam. hah. tt irritating sis of mine again. who claims i make her really wanna cry. hah..
oh one final pic. i love the way he celebrates his goals. and all the talk bt his incapability to lead, to play, to even be in england squad. crap. he speaks with his feet. now. without the wicked crosses, where on earth do u get two own goals in two consecutive games.
i wanna root for england, but i know they won't win the world cup.. they are still far from the quality and depth of the brazil team.
really tired now. off to take a break from my extremely unproductive day. only completed one tutorial and started off my hrm project. hah. mann.. i need to work v v hard tmr..
your beauty is more than words can describe