Sunday, December 25, 2005

i really can't figure it out

why do such things always have to happen when u least expect it to. when u thought everything's and everyone's gonna be so happy together. sth just has to be that major spoiler. it's crazy. twice, not just once.
going down to my gram's place soon. but not to celebrate christmas or my gram's wedding anniversary anymore. this has got to be the worst christmas ever.
my grandpa's hospitalised. fell in the hall this morning and dislocated his arm. what more must happen to an old man who's totally defendless now? someone just tell me. n he was just discharged only a couple of weeks back. life is sick.
and my popo, she's already had enough i feel. enough of all this. think she's going for an operation soon. the last time she was hospitalised, it was when my grandpa got admitted.
n sometimes, you can truly feel the love they share.

probably going great world later to get some gifts for the family. hopefully to lighten up the mood. things just keep getting worse.

and hsin.
i want you to know too, that you are just as important to me as i am to you. n it'll always be this way. next year, we'll spend more time together than we did in this year. and we'll bring our lives together again. we'll have stayovers (yes i can. after so long). and we won't have to miss out on each other for so long anymore. i promise.
perhaps i would have never stood up again without your constant reminder. and i hope his strength, which he instilled in me, will be passed on to you girl:)

my only wish for santa this year, would be for you to be happy where you are

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