Monday, October 23, 2006

great day of lessons:) i enjoyed.. hah. love accounts. and marketing's getting interesting..seems like im making a right decision to heed ur words. just spoke to mom and sis bt the electives, and i figured. heck. challenge is what makes you come out stronger than the rest. and as sis said it, everything happens for a reason. i like to draw alot of motivation from them. it has never been easy for women to establish their footing in the world out there, but mom has done it great. and sis is coming up too. i've always believed that u left us for a reason. and i find myself right time after time.
unless u've been put in such a circumstance, u'll never know how it feels to see some light after a stretch of what seemed like endless darkness.

break again tmr:) gonna get my specs and contacts done.. hopefully can go town to get them. considering how much mom doesn't fancy gg town. hah.

i can't wait to drive.. first theory lesson has made me drive even more.

and i simply cannot believe all the crap and ridiculous stuff i've been hearing the entire night.. it's absolutely crappy. u really need to get a life and stop thinking the whole world's gonna do sth to ur girl.. mann u're crazy. don't expect the world to accomodate ur lack of trust in her and faith in urself. so quit tryin to put us in a spot idiot.

the beat keeps me going

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